CREATIVE DIRECTION, PROJECT MANAGEMENT VIDEO Sample videos from vendor collaborative campaigns to in-house social media engagement drivers. At Pablo Center I have shifted our content strategy to include visual storytelling and video content. These projects were...
CREATIVE, BRANDING, DESIGN SEASON 3 Brochure Season 3 was announced amid the uncertainty of the Covid-19 shutdown and offered an aspirational season of Broadway hits like Waitress, STOMP, and Simon and Garfunkel. It was the first digital-only release of a season...
CREATIVE, MARKETING, BRAND Outlook Magazine Redesign & Creative Direction Outlook is the alumni magazine for UW-Stout which is distributed to 60,000 alumni and university stakeholders nationwide. Acted as the project manager and contributing lead designer on this...
WEB, BRAND, CREATIVE DIRECTION UW-STOUT Ready Campaign A comprehensive undergraduate campaign, the Ready campaign mapped four years of digital and print communications for undergraduate students complimented with paid social and digital campaigns. Meant to drive...